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I have high blood pressure. Could CoQ10 be good for me?

Hypertension can be a challenging condition to manage—but will you let it hold you back? Let Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) be your antioxidant partner in chasing your dreams!

CoQ10: A heart-protective antioxidant 

CoQ10 is a potent antioxidant that is naturally produced and stored in the human body—your cells use it in order to support growth and function as well as to perform other biological processes. Because of this, it plays a valuable role in defending your cells and vital organs from deterioration in the long run. 

One of the vital organs CoQ10 protects is your heart, which bears a huge responsibility to pump oxygen-rich blood throughout all parts of your body 24/7. Because of this, your heart’s energy needs are high compared to other organs. It is particularly susceptible to oxidative stress, too, a phenomenon characterized by an imbalance between highly-reactive free radicals and antioxidants. If oxidative stress persists, it may lead to the onset or progression of chronic heart diseases. 

While the powerful antioxidant CoQ10 is there to support your heart’s health, levels of CoQ10 in your body naturally begin to deplete over time. Some studies have even explored a possible link between chronic heart diseases like heart failure and reduced CoQ10 levels. 

But, there is good news: Your body can absorb CoQ10 through food sources and supplements! Replenishing CoQ10 reserves in your body can help stop free radicals in their tracks before they inflict damage on your healthy cells and organs. 

Studies reveal CoQ10’s potential to lower blood pressure 

In the Journal of Human Hypertension, a 2007 analysis of 12 clinical studies found that CoQ10 has the potential to decrease systolic blood pressure by up to 17 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and diastolic pressure by up to 10 mm Hg without adverse effects in patients with high blood pressure. 

CoQ10 supports heart failure treatment and patients with recent heart attacks 

In a 2014 study from the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, researchers investigated over a 2-year prospective trial period the effects of administering 100 milligrams of CoQ10 supplements or placebo thrice daily in addition to standard treatment on 420 patients with moderate to severe heart failure. Based on the study’s findings, CoQ10 supplementation decreased deaths with a 95% confidence interval in severe heart failure patients compared to the placebo group. 

Another clinical trial, published in the Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry journal, found that patients who were administered CoQ10 supplements 120 mg/day after a recent heart attack reported less cardiac incidents in the succeeding year. 

Clinical implications 

While these and other existing studies do not verify CoQ10’s ability to lower high blood pressure or treat cardiovascular conditions, they point to the nutrient’s potential in helping individuals manage symptoms of heart disease. 

In addition, bear in mind that taking supplements alone will not guarantee optimal health despite having hypertension—the condition still requires medical intervention. Nonetheless, CoQ10 may still be consumed to supplement your efforts in staying healthy.  

Get the most out of CoQ10’s potential benefits to hypertension by making other healthy lifestyle choices such as maintaining a well-balanced diet, constant hydration, regular exercise, and adequate sleep—all of which contribute to your holistic health. 

Recommended dosage 

The typical recommended intake for patients with cardiovascular conditions ranges from 60 milligrams to 100 milligrams daily, but the dosage may vary depending on your preferences or the advice of your healthcare provider. 

Due to the nature of your condition, it is highly advised to consult with a medical professional prior to taking CoQ10 supplements. Seek medical attention if you experience adverse effects from CoQ10 supplementation.

References: Click here

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