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What is the right CoQ10 dosage for me?

Confused about the amount of CoQ10 supplements you should be taking for your health condition or needs? Don’t worry, this article breaks down the recommended intake for you.

Heart problems 

Studies claim that CoQ10 is capable of impeding the oxidation of LDL, which helps slow down atherosclerosis—a condition wherein arteries harden due to plaque buildup—from progressing. 

Based on existing research, some potential benefits of CoQ10 for the heart including lowering the risk of “repeat heart attacks” as well as helping heart failure patients manage their symptoms and reduce their risk of succumbing to the disease. CoQ10 has also been reported to help manage statin-induced muscle complaints, such as pain, soreness, and discomfort. 

Based on existing studies, the typical CoQ10 dosage for heart disease patients ranges from 100 milligrams to 300 milligrams daily. 

What if I’m a statin user? 

Statins possess cholesterol-lowering properties and effectively protect individuals from heart attack and stroke. However, users commonly report muscle issues such as weakness, inflammation, and pain, among others. Research has shown that statin medications interfere with the production of mevalonic acid, an organic compound that is vital to CoQ10 production in the body. Because of this, statins are said to reduce levels of CoQ10 in muscle tissue. 

According to Mayo Clinic, due to CoQ10’s role in supporting energy production in the cells, it is said to have the potential to lower individuals’ risk of experiencing bothersome statin-induced muscle complaints. 

For statin users looking to manage statin-induced adverse effects, the typical recommended CoQ10 dosage ranges from 30 milligrams to 300 milligrams daily. 

Diabetes mellitus 

According to the Philippine Department of Health, diabetes is a leading cause of death in the country. The International Diabetes Foundation reported that as of 2019, 1 out of 14 Filipino adults lives with the disease, and the rate of Filipinos with diabetes continues to increase today. 

Low levels of CoQ10 in the body are also associated with chronic inflammation and oxidative stress—both of which can contribute to worsened diabetes symptoms. 

However, there is evidence suggesting that CoQ10 supports the regulation of normal blood sugar levels and helps improve cholesterol parameters. 

Diabetic patients are usually recommended a CoQ10 dosage ranging from 100 milligrams to 300 milligrams daily. 


Low levels of CoQ10 are linked to migraines, an intense (and even debilitating) headache characterized by throbbing and pulsing pain on one side of the head. The neurological disease affects 1 billion people all over the world. 

Existing research highlights that migraines can be triggered by energy failure in brain cells due to abnormal mitochondrial function, high levels of free radicals, and weakened antioxidant protection. 

Patients struggling with migraines may look into taking at least 300 milligrams of CoQ10 daily to manage or help prevent future attacks. 


Levels of CoQ10 in your body naturally deplete as you age, even if you have spent a good number of years maintaining a well-balanced diet and practicing other healthy lifestyle habits. When there are low CoQ10 levels in the body, you may be at risk of chronic inflammation or disease. 

However, clinical trials suggest that CoQ10 supplementation may help older adults restore vitality, boost their physical performance, and reduce their likelihood to visit the hospital frequently. 

For adults who wish to combat or alleviate signs and symptoms of aging, the typical recommended CoQ10 dosage ranges from 100 milligrams to 300 milligrams daily. 

Clinical implications 

While these and other existing studies do not verify CoQ10’s ability to treat or cure illnesses, they point to the nutrient’s potential in helping individuals maintain healthy lifestyles and manage their medical conditions. In addition, bear in mind that taking supplements alone will not guarantee optimal or disease-free health. 

Nonetheless, CoQ10 may still be consumed to supplement your efforts in warding off disease.  

Get the most out of CoQ10’s potential benefits by making other healthy lifestyle choices such as maintaining a well-balanced diet, constant hydration, regular exercise, and adequate sleep—all of which contribute to your holistic health.

References: Click here

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